Monday, July 19, 2010

Visiting Oola's family

Yesterday we spent the afternoon with Oola's family (our classmate from Notre Dame). His family home is in a village just off the main road into Gulu. They just returned to their land this past year after nearly 15 years of living in town during the conflict years. Their home is surrounded by a variety of fruit trees (mango, jack fruit, lemon, avocado) and they have farm land with corn, sweet potatoes, and casava.

When we arrived Oola's mom was attending a meeting of a locally organized group working to help each other and themselves as they live and work on their land again. They work on things like micro-finance and cleaning water wells. Below is a photo of the group.

We were invited into the home of a family living adjacent to Oola's mom. Below you can see photos inside of their round hut. Interestingly, there is no word in Acholi (the local language) for the word 'corner.'

All of a sudden the wind picked up and storm clouds rolled in, so we went inside Oola's mom's house for dinner. We had matokay (not sure how this is spelled), which is a green vegetable mixed with a ground nut paste (like peanut butter) and layata (sweet potatoes).

We left just before dark, and made our way back home along Kampala road. We are hoping to spend many more afternoons in the shade of trees around Oola's home.

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